Woking Winter Hardship Appeal 2023
19 December 2023
It can be hard to ask for help in a supposedly affluent county like Surrey, where, contrary to perceptions, over 23,000 children live in poverty, 8% of older people are affected by income deprivation, parents cutting back on food (61%) and not replacing children’s shoes or winter coats (19%).
We have sadly witnessed the choices and sacrifices; an ever-growing number of families are having to make. Many, working families who struggle to make ends meet, regrettably resorting to debt (80%).
This time last year, your generous donation enabled us, at the Community Foundation for Surrey to reach out to many individuals and charities alike. This year, the plight is further fuelled by the loss of support that would have otherwise been possible from Woking Council. We are doing all we can to bridge the gap; I hope you won’t mind this call for your support again and to aid our efforts by donating to our Woking Winter Hardship Fund. In addition to the projects supported last year (warm hubs, food banks, energy advice), we will be providing hardship funding direct to individuals or families, via schools, food banks, pantries, or other local organisations that are in contact with those most in need.
You can donate via the Donate button on this linkCommunity Foundation for Surrey: Woking Community Fund (enthuse.com).
An independent grant-making charity, with a mission to grow local philanthropy to change lives,Community Foundation for Surrey was established in 2005, over the period having awarded over £20 million, to diverse local charities and communities across Surrey. For more information about our work, please visit our website, where you will also find details of all our Funds; the Woking Community Area Fund being one of many, with the attached offering a brief overview.
Thank you for taking the time to read this message. Thank you for your continued support. Please share this appeal as widely as possible, to help grow the fund and to also raise awareness of the funding support available to those in need.
With all good wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
Kindest regards
Taravat Taher-Zadeh
Please Give What You Can | Please Give Generously If You Can | Please Share As Widely As You Can