Joining the Chamber has many benefits…
Connecting your business
- The Chamber holds monthly networking meetings at local venues on a Friday lunch time. These events will connect you with many local businesses.
- Members details appear on the Chamber website giving you added exposure to hundreds of companies who access these sources of information.
- Access to Surrey Chambers events at member rates. Woking Chamber is affiliated to Surrey Chambers of Commerce and as a result, members can attend Surrey Chambers events held in and around Woking at member rates.
Supporting your business
- Woking Chamber has an influential voice in local decisions. The Chamber enjoys a close working relationship with Woking Borough Council and it senior officers, affording the Chamber the opportunity to report matters of concern and receive up-to-date information about developments in the town.
- Woking Borough Council is represented on the Chambers Executive, Business Development, Planning, Property & Retail and Environment Committees. This communication with the Council provides information and contacts that could prove invaluable to members.
Promoting your business
- Members can post Special Offers and Member's Offers on the Chamber website and have them emailed to members free of charge.
- Members can use Chambers Newsline and NewsOnline to promote their businesses with free editorials or advertising.
- The Chamber has a close relationship with all the local papers leading to suitable stories being regularly placed free of charge..
- Members can exhibit in the Chamber's Woking Means Business Exhibition, which attracts hundreds of local businesses every year.
- A special event for New Members introduces them to established members providing early visibility.